Ashish Vegaraju

Software engineer

My code catalog

AWS DynamoDB : My notes on single table design

When it comes to designing a data store for your application, there are many options to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. One option that is gaining popularity among developers is using a single table of Amazon DynamoDB. Also, Amazon strongly recommends designing single table for most of the applications. We recently experimented with using a single table for one of our applications and through this article, I will be sharing my experience. I will be discussing the advantages and limitations of using a single table design, as well as the best practices that I researched and learned along the way....

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Test doubles over the wire

Developing microservices is complex and testing its integration is even more complex. Assuring availability of all the inter-dependent services with up-to-date builds in the test environment is quite a tedious & costly setup to maintain. Stubs and mocks on the other hand are cheap, easily maintainable and they make integration tests predictable and repeatable....

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Function purity in F sharp

Coming from an OO background and not very comfortable with F#, below was my first attempt to write a use case. I basically tried to mimic a use case in a typical ports and adapters project from one of the C# projects. This use case serves a basic purpose which is to update the dimensions of a product, if it exists, of course...

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Functional domain modeling

Lately, I've been reading about functional paradigm and related programming languages. More I read about it, more I feel that modeling domains in pure C# (or Java for that matter) is unnatural and does not communicate the intent of the domain clearly...

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Test driven development with Typescript

In this article, I will demonstrate how to write testable code using TypeScript. I assume that the reader is familiar with JavaScript, heard about Typescript and has done or secretly desires to do test driven development....

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